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Welcome!    ¡Bienvenidos!     欢迎!

Sunset Park Prep - M.S. 821 is a public school in

New York City's District 15. We are proudly located in Brooklyn's Sunset Park neighborhood.

Preparación Sunset Park - M.S. 821 es una escuela pública en el distrito 15 de la ciudad de Nueva York. Estamos orgullosamente ubicados en el vecindario Sunset Park de Brooklyn.

日落公园准备-M.S. 821是位于纽约市15区的一所公立学校。我们自豪地位于布鲁克林日落公园附近

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School Information

Sunset Park Prep - M.S. 821

4004 4th Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11232


Phone: 718.840.1951

Fax: 718..840.1962



Jennifer Spalding, Prinicpal

Lauren Scott, Assistant Principal

Daniel Chan, Assistant Principal

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We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0.

If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please contact our school at:

718-840-1951, to request assistance.

Sunset Park Prep - M.S.821

4004 4th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11232

Tel: (718) 840-1951

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