Need to Contact Us? Here is our email directory during Remote Learning...
Necesita contactarnos? Aquí está nuestro directorio de correo electrónico durante el aprendizaje remoto ... 需要联系我们吗?这是远程学习期间的电子邮件目录......

In need of technology? We have updates for you!
¿Necesitas tecnología? ¡Actualizaciones para ti! 需要技术吗?为您更新! You may have seen that we were hoping to give out laptops on Thursday, March...

Remote Learning - Launching MONDAY! Updates for Parents
Aprendizaje remoto: ¡lanzamiento el lunes! Actualizaciones para padres 远程学习-星期一开始!家长更新 Dear Prep families, We are excited to share more...

Students! Do you need technology? Tell us!
Estudiantes! ¿Necesitas tecnología? ¡Diganos! 学生们!您需要技术吗?告诉我们! Teachers have been in school these last few days preparing to launch...

Sunset Park Prep closed Monday, March 16th - Sunday, April 19th
School will not be in session beginning Monday, March 16th (tomorrow) La escuela no estará en sesión a partir del lunes 16 de marzo...

Parent Letter - Coronavirus Updates
We want to make sure all families have the information they need as we work together to ensure the health and safety of your child....
UPDATE for Thursday, March 12th: Half Day for Students and Digital (not in-person) Parent-Teacher Co
ACTUALIZACIÓN para el jueves 12 de marzo: medio día para estudiantes y conferencias digitales (no en persona) de padres y maestros...

Coronavirus Updates for Families - Letters from the Chancellor
Actualizaciones de Coronavirus para familias - Cartas del canciller 家庭的冠状病毒更新-校长的来信 تحديثات Coronavirus للعائلات - رسائل من المستشار

March Calendar
Our March calendar is posted here - in English and Spanish - so our families can quickly find information about Prep events! If you have...